Shower head purchasing advice: how to choose the right product

  • The most important facts in brief
  • Shower heads can mainly be divided into detachable hand showers and fixed overhead showers.
  • Most shower heads provide different spray types to offer different showering experiences, such as a pressure massage or a rain spray.
  • A water-saving function ensures that you use about 50 percent less water. However, with some models, the shower experience suffers.
  • The connection of shower heads is standardised. All shower heads should therefore fit any hoses and brackets.

Indispensable companions for body hygiene

At first glance, showering seems like a banal everyday topic that is rarely given attention. According to the Association of Energy Consumers, most Germans take a shower every day and need about six minutes to do so. The average German spends about 36.5 hours a year in the shower. Showering also involves hundreds of euros in electricity and water costs. For many, however, showering is not just a cleansing process, but a daily pleasure that offers a few quiet meditative minutes. For others, the shower is their private stage and the shower head is the microphone.

The fun factor of showering should not be underestimated.
The fun factor of showering should not be underestimated.

Probably the most important component of your shower is the shower head, as it has the greatest influence on the shower experience. Different spray types and flow rates determine both water consumption and showering comfort. So whether showering is a simple part of your daily routine or a daily highlight depends very much on the type or model of the shower head. The shower head is also often called a shower head or simply a shower head.

Shower heads would have been a marketing flop in the Middle Ages

Our medieval ancestors did not wash often – often only once in their lives: at baptism. So apart from original sin, nothing else had to be washed off in their eyes. It was not until around the 18th century that Europeans began to wash regularly. In East Asia, the relevance of hygiene was recognised much earlier.

A comparison of the two types of shower heads

Shower heads are usually divided into two types: Overhead showers and hand showers. The former are fixed devices, while the latter can be held in the hand to spray water on hard-to-reach areas of the body. If you have a hard time deciding, you can reach for a shower set. Shower sets include both types, but are correspondingly more expensive.

Hand showers

Hand showers are either operated by hand or mounted on a height-adjustable bracket if you want to keep your hands free. The shower heads are attached to a hose, which sometimes wears out faster than the shower head and needs to be replaced over time. However, mounting both the shower head and the hose is usually very straightforward. Whether the hose is included in the scope of delivery depends on the offer. You usually have to buy it separately.

Hand showers can be rod-shaped, but they are usually round. Simple, inexpensive models have only one type of spray. However, for as little as 10 to 20 euros, you can find models with different spray types. The diameter of common hand showers is between 7 and 15 centimetres. Hand showers are also the cheapest shower head types. Their biggest advantage is that they can be used selectively. For example, if you have a fresh tattoo, a bandage or an open wound that should not get wet, you can specifically avoid such areas with a hand shower.

Pro points

  • Flexible
  • Often different jet types
  • Mostly small and light
  • Simple mounting
  • Height-adjustable bracket
  • Inexpensive


  • hose not so durable

Overhead showers

Overhead showers usually have no hose, as they are permanently installed and cannot be removed. This means that they lose some of their flexibility compared to hand showers. On the other hand, both hands remain free for extensive lathering and rubbing. Because they are permanently installed, they can be difficult to mount. If necessary, the help of craftsmen is required, especially if work has to be done under the plaster. During installation, make sure that the shower head is mounted at the correct height; this cannot be adjusted afterwards. To avoid repeated flooding, you should also make sure that the entire jet lands in the bath or shower. This is easy to test, as overhead showers usually only have one type of spray.

Rain showers are a special type of overhead shower. They are usually larger than standard overhead showers and have a specific type of spray that covers a large area and provides a gentle rain feeling. With a diameter of 30 to 60 centimetres, rain showers are not exactly space-saving. They also use more water than simple overhead showers or even hand showers. Last but not least, they are a lot more expensive.

Pro points

  • No hose
  • Free hands
  • Pleasantly downpouring


  • Inflexible
  • Expensive
  • Elaborate installation
  • High water consumption

The anatomy of the shower head

Although shower head models often look quite different, their main components are usually the same. For example, all hand showers have a handle to hold them. The shower hose is also attached to them. In the case of overhead showers, a metal pipe is usually the connection between the shower head and the fitting. The handle or the pipe is connected to the head. Depending on the type of shower head and model, it can be rod-shaped, round or square. The head sizes can vary greatly. The head is equipped with small jets from which the water flows. In shower heads with several jet types, these are only partially used, depending on the setting. The surface on which the jets are attached is called a perforated plate. Some perforated plates come with a rotating device that is used to select the desired spray type.

The most important purchase criteria

When buying a shower head, there are other features to consider besides the type. For example, the presence of a water-saving function and different jet types is important, as these features significantly influence water consumption and showering comfort. Of course, the relevance of such features strongly depends on your personal needs and preferences.

Types of jet

Among the most important distinguishing features of showerheads are the different jet types available to users. The number and type varies depending on the model. Very simple models only have one standard spray type. Most shower heads, however, offer between three and seven spray types.

The type of jet has a significant influence on the shower experience.
The type of jet has a significant influence on the shower experience.

The normal jet has a large surface area and is uniform to ensure a comfortable shower experience. This type of jet is good for washing the whole body.

The massage jet lets the water flow out in powerful, thick jets, which creates a pleasant massage sensation. A hand shower can be held specifically on a part of the body that needs to be massaged.

Rain showers are very popular because of their rain spray. With this type of spray, small drops of water fall gently. This provides a soothing, comforting feeling.

A mono jet is a single concentrated jet that feels particularly hard. It is suitable for spot massage.

Soft jets are small jets that are refined with air. This type of jet is particularly gentle and pleasant.

The mist jet is characterised by several bundled, circular water jets. As it has a very invigorating effect, it is ideal for waking up – especially on days when you find it difficult.

Flow rate

A normal shower head usually uses around 15 litres per minute. This results in an average water consumption of about 80 litres per shower. Such an amount is not only a burden on the environment, but also on the bank account. That’s why a shower head with a water-saving function or eco-function is a good investment.

With a water-saving function, you use up to 50 percent less shower water. Various techniques are used to achieve this. The simplest variant is to limit the flow rate. However, many users then find the water jets too weak.

Another technique divides the flowing water through many very small nozzles. In this way, the water is perceived to be more voluminous. However, the thin jets can feel uncomfortable on the skin. Last but not least, some shower heads mix the outflowing water with air, which also makes the flow volume appear larger.

Size and weight

The most important size specification of a shower head is the diameter. As the size increases, the showerheads become heavier. Therefore, when choosing the shower head size, pay attention to the size of the shower or bathtub. If the spray is too wide for your facility, flooding may occur.

Most showers are equipped with hand showers. Their diameter is between 7 and 15 centimetres. Hand showers weigh between 200 and 400 grams. Overhead showers are larger than hand showers because they are not held in the hand but spray the user with water over a large area from above. So if your shower head is permanently mounted or is to hang mostly on the bracket, its diameter can easily be 15 to 20 centimetres. Rain showers even reach 30 to 60 centimetres. With permanently installed models, weight is hardly an issue.

Number of nozzles

The number of nozzles depends largely on the diameter of the shower head. Simply: the larger the shower head, the more nozzles. However, the number of jets also depends on another feature, namely the jet types of the shower head. Shower heads with massage jets usually have more nozzles than simple shower heads to ensure the pleasant massage feeling. A shower head with as many jets as possible usually provides a more pleasant showering sensation.


The term surface decor is often used for the shower head material, as it is mainly about the coating of the shower head. The material should indeed meet your aesthetic expectations. However, the most important thing is that it is robust and, above all, does not rust. Chrome is the most popular material as it covers all important criteria. Stainless steel has similar properties and is also used in the manufacture of shower heads. Although stainless steel is more expensive than chrome, on the other hand, the material is not as susceptible to scratches. Some inexpensive models are made of plastic. Plastic does not calcify as easily as chrome or stainless steel, but it is not as durable and hygienic. On the other hand, plastic models are easier to hold.

Additional functions

The most important thing is an anti-scale function. Shower heads are particularly susceptible to limescale deposits. This builds up inside the shower head and has a negative effect on the flow rate. The anti-calc system or the anti-calc nubs made of silicone ensure that limescale is easy to remove. Simply wipe the perforated plate briefly with a finger or cloth.

Some models are also equipped with LED lighting. This may sound like a waste of energy, but LED shower heads work in a similar way to dynamo lights for bicycles: the water flowing through them cranks up a mini turbine, which in turn generates the necessary energy. The function therefore requires no electricity. Moreover, the bathroom light no longer has to be switched on for showering. Maybe users will even be able to persuade water-shy children to take a shower.

Price and manufacturer

A shower head usually has a long service life. That is why it is worth investing in a high-quality product. However, this does not mean that all shower heads are expensive. Simple hand showers are already available for less than 10 euros. Overhead showers and especially rain showers, however, are more expensive: sometimes they cost over 100 euros. Then there are the costs of installation, unless you do it yourself. The best-known manufacturers include Grohe and Hansgrohe.

Useful tips for cleaning and installation

Both cleaning the shower heads and fitting them to the hose or bracket are uncomplicated. You can clean them with simple household products; you do not need any special cleaning agents. Nor should the standardised connection size pose a challenge.


Since limescale deposits reduce the flow rate, shower heads must be cleaned regularly. This keeps the shower hygienic. The process does not take much time: fill a bucket with vinegar or citric acid. You should avoid using harsh chemicals. Disassemble the shower and soak it in the bucket for a few minutes. Use a toothbrush to clean the shower head in the appropriate places. Then dry it with a cloth and reattach it to the hose or the holder. With overhead showers, the process can take a little more time because removing the showerhead is more cumbersome than with hand showers.

If you have a hand shower, you can also use it to clean the shower, as you can use the shower specifically where dirt occurs. A pressure jet makes cleaning even easier.


The connections of shower heads are standardised. Hoses and shower heads should therefore always be compatible. The diameter of the connection is 0.5 inch. So you don’t have to worry about your new shower head not fitting your hose. Simply turn the shower head clockwise onto the hose. To check for leaks, you can run some water. If the connection proves to be leaking, you should tighten it with a suitable tool if necessary. This only refers to hand showers, as only they are attached to a hose.

The installation of overhead showers is much more cumbersome. Among other things, you have to drill holes in the wall and measure the distances precisely. It is best to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use. If you still feel unsure, it is recommended that you hire professionals for the installation.